Sustainable investing

Outlining our sustainable investment commitments and achievements

Outlining our sustainable investment commitments and achievements

Gresham House is committed to operating responsibly and sustainably, building long-term value for clients

We strive to achieve the highest standards across all our operations and are committed to integrating responsible business practices.

Our purpose is to deliver effective and alternative investment solutions to help clients achieve their financial objectives whilst contributing towards the transition to a more sustainable economy.

What this means is that ESG is integrated as a consideration of our investment cycle, as well as in our day-to-day dealings as a business.

Our aim is to become a recognised leader in sustainable investment by 2025.

To achieve this, we have implemented a Corporate Sustainability Strategy with targets related to Gresham House as a:

  • Sustainable investor
  • Sustainable business and employer
  • Sustainable corporate citizen

This strategy ensures we take responsibility for our actions as an investor and custodian of our clients assets.

Sustainable investment framework

Our Sustainable Investment Framework is based on ten ESG themes.

These themes are considered to be the most material factors for our asset divisions.

Used by our investment teams, it identifies the broad range of ESG risks which may materially impact proposed transactions, as well as directing our focus towards more sustainable outcomes.

The ten ESG themes are used to structure analysis, monitor and report on ESG risks and opportunities within the lifecycle of our investments as an aid to more consistent integration across our asset divisions.

Why sustainable investment?

Asset management has a critical role to play in the world’s transition to a more sustainable economy and this creates compelling alternative investment opportunities.

Incorporating sustainability factors into investment decision-making protects value and drives resilience for all stakeholders.

Investors are increasingly seeking out opportunities with the potential for both financial and sustainability returns.

Sustainable Investment Report


We released our fourth annual Sustainable Investment Report in April 2024, where we detail how we remained committed to driving forward the sustainable investment agenda, alongside generating attractive financial returns for clients.

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Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report

We have prepared this report in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT), frameworks that help public companies more effectively disclose their climate-related risks and opportunities.

This report aims to provide our clients, shareholders and other key stakeholders with a better understanding of our exposure to climate-related risks and the climate-related opportunities that we are pursuing.

It outlines how we consider climate-related matters in our business operations, and how these map to the four TCFD thematic areas of Governance, Strategy, Risk Management and Metrics & Targets.

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Engagement & voting

Gresham House is an active investor and acts as a long-term steward of the assets across our portfolio.

We believe that active ownership, including engagement and voting, are effective mechanisms designed to minimise risk and maximise returns.

Our engagement and voting activities are integrated into our business practices and investment processes. Both activities are viewed as a key part of our investment approach and not considered stand-alone objectives.

Engagement and voting policy

Signatories & support

We believe in playing an industry leadership role in supporting and promoting sustainable investment. This includes participating in a number of industry bodies and supporting sustainable initiatives.


We are a signatory to the UN-supported Principles of Responsible Investment and have aligned our sustainable investment commitments with them. We are a member of UKSIF and a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code. Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc has also been awarded the LSE Green Economy Mark.

We support the ambitions of the Paris Agreement to manage the effects of climate change by limiting global temperature increases to well below 2˚C, preferably to 1.5˚C, compared to pre-industrial levels. We acknowledge the goals of this agreement and believe that many of our investments contribute positively to the transition to a low carbon economy.

We also support the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures (TCFD) for disclosing clear, comparable and consistent information about the risks and opportunities presented by climate change alongside existing financial disclosures. We will be working towards our own TCFD disclosures to provide our clients and investors with the required information to understand the climate risk and opportunities across our business operations and investment decisions.



 The LSE Green Economy Mark has been awarded to Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc.


Gresham House has been a signatory to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since February 2018.
For our 2023 PRI Report, we were awarded 4 or 5 stars, out of a maximum of 5 stars, for all modules relevant to Gresham House.



Source: Gresham House (collated from PRI report), December 2023

In line with the PRI publication guidance, please click the links to view our Summary Scorecard and Full Transparency Report.

Sustainable Investing policies

We have developed a clear sustainability policy and are working hard to embed our approach consistently and effectively in line with our commitments, aiming to always be best in class.

Across all our asset classes, we believe that understanding – and where possible improving on – environmental, social, economic and governance (ESG) performance drives long-term value, and we aim to work proactively with management teams and key stakeholders to make positive change.

Group Sustainable Investment policy

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