WS Gresham House UK Multi Cap Income Fund

Strategic Equity

Strategic Equity

Focused on small and mid-cap companies and fundamentals-based stock-picking, targeting the potential for attractive returns with low correlation to its peer group.

Our disciplined process leverages the fundamentals-driven attributes of private equity, and our highly-resourced team has access to specialist expertise via an extensive network derived from their private-equity heritage.

We have a genuine smaller company focus and believe this sets us apart from our competitors and helps to generate low correlation.

We also  avoid benchmarking behaviours and cyclical risk wherever possible, adhering strictly to our investment process.

Reasons to invest in our UK Multi Cap Income Fund

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*Source: Gresham House and FE Analytics, based on the IA UK Equity Income sector over five years since launch on 30 June 2017

Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Capital at risk.

Our approach

We focus on:

  • Management – favouring high-quality, entrepreneurial teams
  • Strategy – understanding how management are seeking to enhance strategic value
  • Market opportunity – getting under the skin of  the company’s addressable market and the dynamics likely to influence it
  • Market position – assessing the company’s competitive advantages
  • Financials – considering the profit and cash flow growth potential over the anticipated life of the investment, as well as quality of earnings and balance sheet strength

We interrogate potential stocks using proprietary research to evaluate the investment case and then assign a conviction score to each, based on the above fundamental components. This helps determine optimal weightings within the fund.

Our process

  • Idea generation – drawing on a variety of sources, using our network of relationships
  • Investment universe – we screen by size, sector, financial strength and valuation
  • Target list – ideas reviewed weekly to identify management teams to meet
  • Investment appraisal – we provide insight to the appraisal process through our smaller-company focus and private-equity techniques
  • Conviction score – using a quantitative output, we rate conviction and use it to determine relative weightings in the fund

Portfolio insights video

May 2024

In this video fund manager Ken Wotton speaks to Brooks Macdonald CEO, Andrew Shepherd. Brooks Macdonald plc is an investment management firm, offering a range of investment management services to private high net worth individuals, pension funds, institutions, and trusts.

Webinar: 2023 review and 2024 outlook

January 2024

In our latest webinar, fund managers Ken Wotton and Brendan Gulston review 2023. They also look forward to 2024 and discuss the reasons they believe the positive performance in UK small and mid caps will continue.

Strategic Equity AI content series ▶️

Elixirr and RWS group

Our AI content series will comprise conversations with CEOs across our portfolio companies, discussing the different ways in which they are embracing AI.

In this first instalment Elixirr CEO, Stephen Newton talks to Ian El-Mokadem, CEO of RWS, together, they delve into how RWS is embracing AI technology.

Key risks

  • The value of the Fund and the income from it is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise. As your capital is at risk you may get back less than you originally invested
  • Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance
  • Funds investing in smaller companies may carry a higher degree of risk than funds investing in larger companies. The shares of smaller companies may be less liquid than securities in larger companies

How to invest

Prospective investors can purchase shares directly from Waystone Management (UK) Limited or through a professional adviser or other intermediary. Application forms can be obtained from Waystone Management (UK) Limited. >>
0345 922 0044

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0345 922 0044

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