Baronsmead Venture Trust plc

Providing capital and expertise to support entrepreneurial businesses on their journey.

Providing capital and expertise to support entrepreneurial businesses on their journey.

Baronsmead Venture Trust plc is a tax-efficient venture capital trust, investing in and working alongside some of the very best early stage and growth businesses in the UK, across all market cycles.

Read our H1 2024 insights VCTs – questions and answers

Baronsmead Venture Trust plc invests in the future of British business while aiming to deliver attractive long-term performance and dividend income for shareholders.

Our VCT investment team looks for pioneering businesses that will be at the heart of the future UK economy.

Our broad and diversified portfolio – including a range of technology, healthcare and hospitality businesses – is consistently reviewed and refined, as we seek to find and develop success stories, and support their journeys.

The Baronsmead VCTs – Baronsmead Venture Trust plc and Baronsmead Second Venture Trust plc – have the advantage of access to the experience of the Gresham House network, providing investee businesses with the opportunity to benefit both financially and practically throughout their development.

As a leading specialist alternative asset manager, Gresham House evaluates and manages investments on Baronsmead Venture Trust plc’s behalf, in line with the strategy agreed by the Board.

Two women in laboratory

Why invest in VCTs with Baronsmead?

Our dedicated early stage venture team has extensive expertise.

This stretches across both listed and unquoted investing and they often perform Board or Advisory roles for our larger holdings.

The Baronsmead VCTs also significantly benefit from access to the wider Gresham House network.

This is seen right through from the sourcing of deals to operational support and transformative human capital necessary at each stage of growth.

Our approach

Focusing on sectors, markets and companies with long term structural growth trends, the Baronsmead VCTs team utilise their specialist skills and connections to provide both capital and support to take exciting businesses to the next level.

Drawing on our VCT investment team’s extensive entrepreneurial relationships and specialist skills, we inject capital at pivotal times in order to support exciting businesses on their journey.

We have consistently high levels of new deal opportunities being received and this is in no small part down to our extensive early-stage network, which supports both investment appraisal and post-deal value creation.

Two women at the construction site

Key risks

  • The value of the Company and the income from it is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise
  • As your capital is at risk you may get back less than you originally invested
  • Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance
  • Any tax reliefs are dependent on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change
  • Funds investing in smaller, younger companies may carry a higher degree of risk than funds investing in larger, more established companies. Investments in smaller companies may be less liquid than investments in larger companies

How to invest

Prospective and current investors can invest in the Baronsmead VCTs by subscribing for shares when the Companies raise funds through new share issuance. Investors may also buy shares in the VCTs on the secondary market, but without the same tax benefits.

To check for any Offers currently open please visit our Offers page.

Investors can also access more information about the VCT share price and the company through the listed company (ticker: BVT)

To receive information about share offers please sign up using the form below:

Important information

Prospective investors should carefully consider the risks associated with this form of investment and seek advice from a qualified financial adviser. Investment in smaller unquoted companies involves a higher degree of risk than investment in larger companies. VCT shares are infrequently traded, so shares are often valued at a discount to their Net Asset Value and may be difficult to realise. Shareholders may be offered a price which is less than the full value of the underlying assets.

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2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The 2024 Baronsmead Venture Trust plc AGM was held at Butchers’ Hall, 87 Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7EB at 1.30pm on Tuesday 5 March 2024.

Notice of AGM >> 

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