Real Estate - UK Housing investment

Investing in housing in the UK to deliver the potential for long-term secure income and positive impact

Investing in housing in the UK to deliver the potential for long-term secure income and positive impact

Our UK Housing strategy invests for the long term to deliver affordable, high-quality, energy efficient, safe homes with great customer service and long-term stability of tenure for residents.

Gresham House offers long term equity investments into UK housing, through listed and unlisted investment vehicles, focused on addressing different areas of the affordable housing problem in the UK.

Our investments aim to provide affordable tenure opportunities alongside sustainable long-term income for investors, whilst encouraging placemaking and community development.

Each of our UK residential housing funds offers the potential for stable, secured inflation-linked returns whilst providing social and environmental benefits to our residents, the local community and the wider economy.

Our Registered Providers

Our funds invest through Gresham House’s two Registered Providers of Social Housing – ReSI Housing Limited and ReSI Homes Limited.

These companies are required to hold regulated affordable housing assets and therefore are managed with the highest standards of governance, financial viability and resident welfare.

Our UK housing investment team has a proven 20-year track record in housing, with certain individuals having over 40 years’ experience.

We have expertise across all residential asset classes, including shared ownership, retirement, affordable, social and market rented homes, offering supreme access to opportunities across the sector.


Why invest in UK housing?

Regardless of the economic environment, people need good quality homes.

The UK has a well-documented shortage of affordable housing, caused by a combination of demographic trends and historic undersupply. In England, just 50,000 affordable homes are being delivered each year, representing a third of the 145,000 required.

To address this shortage, patient capital is required by a range of housing developers, including volume house builders, small regional developers, housing associations and local authorities.

We seek to meet this demand and therefore accelerate the development of socially, environmentally and economically beneficial new housing. Our commitment to the sector provides the potential for us to make a meaningful contribution to the UK’s shortage of affordable, accessible housing.

Our funds are investment and strategic partners of Homes England and the Greater London Authority for delivery of new affordable homes. Each provide financial grants for every new home and support our vision to improve communities and deliver homes that create a balanced social impact.

Key risks

  • The value of the Fund and the income from it is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise. As your capital is at risk you may get back less than you originally invested
  • Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance

The benefits of investing in UK housing

Housing investments benefit from substantial asset-backing and provide investors with the potential for attractive long-term returns, offering:

  A secure and sustainable rental stream from individual residents, diversified by location, property (houses, apartments) and resident type

  Inflation-linked income

  Diversification versus commercial real estate, infrastructure and other traditional asset classes

  Potential for long term capital appreciation in excess of inflation

  Low volatility, in many cases, through below-market rents

charles church homes image

Our housing investments have strong and quantifiable social and environmental benefits – including via reduced rents versus market rates for our residents.


Our investment strategy focus includes affordable housing (shared ownership, affordable and private rented), retirement and temporary accommodation.

How can I invest in UK Housing?

Investors can access Gresham House’s UK Housing equity investment opportunities via our listed housing vehicle, Residential Secure Income plc through Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes (UCIS), or via co-investment opportunities.

For more information, please contact:

Heather Fleming
Managing Director, Institutional Business
+44 (0)20 3873 5908

Selling assets?

For information on how to sell an asset to Gresham House, please contact the team:
+44 (0)20 7382 0905


Our Housing funds

Our Registered Provider

Investment team

Gresham House's Registered Providers Board

Distribution team

Distribution team

Distribution team

Distribution team