Tim Farazmand honoured with 2018 M&A Advisor Lifetime Achievement Award

Press Release - April 10 2018

Press Release - April 10 2018

Tim Farazmand receives 2018 M&A Advisor Leadership Award

M&A Advisor is proud to announce that Tim Farazmand is a recipient of the 2018 M&A Advisor Lifetime Achievement Award. Mr. Farazmand is to be honored for his notable contribution to the mergers and acquisitions industry at the 2nd Annual Corporate Growth Awards on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at The Lansdowne Club in Mayfair, London.

Mr. Farazmand Chairs the Palatine Impact Fund; is a member of the LMS Capital and Hazel Capital (Now Gresham House New Energy) Investment Committees; and sits on the Advisory Boards of Gresham House and Beechbrook Capital as well as the family investment companies Westminster Group and Abercross. He also sits on the boards of ClearlySo, Europe’s leading impact investment bank, and the Ethical Property Company as an independent Non-Executive Director.

Tim has more than 30 years’ experience in mid-market private equity with 3i, Royal Bank of Scotland Private Equity and latterly LDC where he was a managing director. He is a past Chair of the British Venture Capital Association (BVCA) is a member of industry leading association’s Council. Mr. Farazmand is an economics graduate of the University of Cambridge.

“It is a great honor to recognize Tim Farazmand with this award,” stated David Fergusson, President and CEO of The M&A Advisor. “Tim’s contributions to the advancement of the industry are truly exemplary. In addition to being a respected dealmaker, he generously gives of his time, through the BVCA and other outlets, to share and apply his experience to make a difference. The M&A Advisor Lifetime Achievement Award is bestowed upon those individuals who consistently impact their firms, their industry and the world at large. Tim Farazmand unquestionably deserves this recognition.”

With the presentation of the 2018 M&A Advisor Leadership Award, Mr. Farazmand will be admitted into The M&A Advisor Hall of Fame, joining a notable and exclusive community of global industry leaders who have proceeded him, including US Commerce Secretary Wilbur L. Ross, Wang Wei, Mario Garnero, Governor Bruce K. Rauner, Martyn Curragh, Peter G. Peterson, John K. Castle, David Bonderman, Robert “Steve” Miller, Ceasar N. Anquillare, Rodgin Cohen, Rodger Krouse, Harvey R. Miller, Richard “Dick” Parsons, and Barry Ridings.




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