Offers for subscription - fully subscribed

December 2023

December 2023

Baronsmead Venture Trust plc and Baronsmead Second Venture Trust plc published a prospectus in relation to offers for subscription to raise up to £30 million in aggregate (before costs) with an over-allotment facility to raise up to a further £20 million in aggregate.

Baronsmead VCTs homepage

Please note: for those applications that are unsuccessful due to the VCTs reaching capacity, we will endeavour to return funds prior to the end of the 23/24 tax year however, this is not guaranteed. For more information, please reach out to Rees Whiteley.

Read our H1 2024 insights

The Baronsmead Venture Trust plc and the Baronsmead Second Venture Trust plc 2023/2024 offers are now fully subscribed and closed to new applications. 

A prospectus was published in relation to the offers for subscription to raise up to £30mn in aggregate (before costs) with an over-allotment facility to raise up to a further £20mn in aggregate for the Tax Year 2023/2024. The minimum investment per Company is £5,000. You can choose to invest in either or both VCTs. A supplementary prospectus was published on 19 January 2024 following the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Companies being issued in December.

two people looking at data

Offers fully subscribed and closed to new applications.

Funds raised as at 01 April 2024:

Each Company is a Venture Capital Trust (VCT). The venture capital trust investing regime was established by the UK Government with the intention of encouraging individuals to invest indirectly in a range of small, illiquid higher-risk trading companies whose shares and securities are not listed on a recognised stock exchange. An investment in a VCT is high risk and for the long term. Your capital is at risk so you could get back less than you invest.

How to get in touch:

For queries relating to the Companies, please contact

For queries relating to the Investment Manager or Investment Management activities please contact

For queries relating to applications and share certificates please contact

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