
Gresham House offers institutional and professional investors the opportunity to invest directly in assets alongside our funds, increasing their exposure to specific sectors and regions of their choice on a deal-by-deal basis.

Gresham House offers institutional and professional investors the opportunity to invest directly in assets alongside our funds, increasing their exposure to specific sectors and regions of their choice on a deal-by-deal basis.

Our co-investment approach

We aim to provide our institutional and professional clients with access to relevant co-investment opportunities , based on industry focus, geographic location or investment size.

We also aim to ensure that co-investors are provided with transparency and a comprehensive level of analysis to appraise the deal, in order to make a decision to invest with confidence.

Ultimately, we strive to provide investors with the same level of information on a deal as if they had been sitting around the table participating in our Investment Committee meetings and decision-making process.

Please note: Our co-investment service is available to those investors meeting the definition of a Professional Investor as set out in the FCA handbook. 

How to co-invest

Gresham House has a proprietary online platform to provide investors with access to co-investment opportunities.

For further information on our co-investment offering, please contact our Institutional team, or get in touch directly with Heather Fleming, Managing Director, Institutional Business
+44 (0)7872 685 532