Fraud prevention

Fraud and investment scams warning

There is an increase in the frequency and sophistication of investment scams. We are aware of fraudsters impersonating Gresham House related registered companies and Gresham House employees in an attempt to obtain personal / sensitive information that could result in financial loss to the victims.   

Scams take many forms including those involving phishing emails, cold calls, and fake websites.

It is important to be alert to any communications – letters, emails, phone calls, text messages – that involve you parting with money or handing over sensitive personal information. Scammers can appear professional and trustworthy, and often misuse a company’s information, including staff names, so even experienced investors may fall victim to these schemes.

Known issues

Gresham House plc is aware of the following frauds / scams:

  • South Marston Renewables Ltd – a fraudster has been impersonating a Gresham House employee and purporting to work for South Marston Renewables Ltd, one of our portfolio companies, in order to defraud members of the public.
  • Fxcrytexmining Ltd is currently using Gresham House in its registered address, which we believe could be for fraudulent purposes.
  • Gresham House Solar Distribution website – we are aware of a fraudulent website purporting to represent Gresham House. This is not legitimate and is an attempt to defraud members of the public.
  • Gresham House Solar Distribution LLP website –  we are aware of a fraudulent website purporting to represent Gresham House. This is not legitimate and is an attempt to defraud members of the public, we are trying to have this closed down. Emails are being sent pretending to be from Samee Khan, a Gresham House employee, using this fraudulent address.

If you have any concerns about or wish to report suspected fraudulent activity linked to Gresham House or any of our products or companies, you can do so by emailing us on or alternatively you can contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at

How to protect yourself from investment scams
  • The FCA ScamSmart website offers helpful support about what you can do to spot investment fraud. They also have a warning list before you go ahead with any investment to help you stay ‘scam smart’.
  • Make sure that the company or financial adviser you’re dealing with is authorised by the UK Regulator – the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). You can check this information online on the Financial Services Register.
  • Reject any cold calls that you receive and don’t give out any personal or financial information until you are sure you are dealing with a reputable company.
  • Keep up to date with the latest scams and fraud warnings with useful advice at Age UK.
  • Report suspected fraud and cyber-crime via ActionFraud the UK’s national fraud and cyber-crime reporting centre.
  • Useful information about pension scams can be found on The Pensions Regulator’s website.


For clients of Gresham House Asset Management Ireland Limited:

Gresham House, Ireland staff will never ask you for your username or password for the Gresham House Portal over the phone or via SMS text, and if you receive such a request please notify Gresham House Ireland immediately on +353 1 662 3001.

If you are ever in doubt about whether any communication from Gresham House Ireland is genuine please contact us on +353 1 662 3001 before initiating any action.

For additional hints and tips on how to “Be Informed, Be Alert and Be Secure”, visit